Montag, 6. Juni 2011

Stadtdialog: "Changing Places"

© MIT/Kent LarsonVortrag von Architekt Kent Larson am 6. Juni 2011. Er leitet die Forschungsgruppe "Changing Places" (Orte verändern) im Medienlabor des Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Er leitet auch die Initiative "Living Labs" am Institut für Architektur und Planung des MIT. In seiner Arbeit forscht er nach neuen, intelligenten Formen der Mobilität und des Wohnens >>>mehr

Ort: Technische Universität Wien, Kuppelsaal
Termin: Montag, 6. Juni 2011, Beginn: 18 Uhr
Um Anmeldung wird ersucht: Telefon: (01) 4000 88888 | E-Mail | via facebook
Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Kent Larson practiced architecture for 15 years in New York City, with work published in Architectural Record, Progressive Architecture, Global Architecture, the New York Times, A+U, and Architectural Digest. His book, Louis I. Kahn: Unbuilt Masterworks was selected as one of the Ten Best Books in Architecture, 2000 by the New York Times Review of Books. Related work was selected by Time magazine as a "Best Design of the Year" project. Larson directs the Changing Places research group at the MIT Media Laboratory and the MIT Living Labs initiative in the School of Architecture and Planning. Current research is focused on three related areas:

Responsive ARchitectuRe
Strategies to create high-performance, agile, personalized, places of living that respond to new ways of living and working. Buildings are disentangled into three independently configured layers: high performance chassis, integrated infill, and responsive façade modules. These concepts are being deployed in the City Home: a compact, technology-enabled, transformable apartment that functions as if a much larger space.

uRbAn Mobility-on-DeMAnD
New types of shared-use light electric vehicles and intelligent fleet management to provide high-levels of service through sensor networks, dynamic incentives, and intelligent charging. The group is currently working on a full-scale prototype of the
CityCar: a folding two-passenger vehicle with robot wheels and drive-by-wire control for urban mobility and highly efficient parking.

ubiquitous technologies
Wireless sensing, algorithms, and interfaces to understand and respond to human activity. Projects range from a persuasive thermostat using GPS location of occupants, a context-aware tunable LED lighting control system for office environments, and fine-grain activity recognition using mobile phones and wearable sensors for proactive health applications.